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A new day for your business!
Azyra Business Solutions (ABS) Consulting Sarl is the companion of your performance and the ally of your success.
Our objective: To help our clients achieve their objectives of success and sustainability of their projects.
Our priority: Being as close as possible to our customers to better understand them and provide them with responses adapted not only to their specific needs, but also to the different challenges of the environment in which they operate.
Training of budget chain and salary staff of the Cameroon Civil Aviation Authority (CCAA),
Douala, June 18-21, 2024
Acquire techniques for rationalizing tax, social and employer charges on salaries;
Strengthen the skills necessary for optimal payroll processing and judicious distribution of salary costs, while respecting tax legislation regarding income taxes;
Avoid the tax risk relating to salary income;
Master the legal regime for the protection of salaries, deductions and seizures and subsequent procedures: properly manage events such as leave, dismissals, resignations, retirements and deaths;
Deepen the application of all the rules to keep the CNPS file and the company's tax file up to date.
As part of the pursuit of the policy of continuous capacity building of CCAA staff, around ten managers of the budgetary chain and payroll of this EPA are currently participating in our workshop on tax optimization of payroll .
Goals :
The seminar should help participants to:
Master the legal, tax and social principles related to payroll processing;
Develop a tax culture and the means necessary to secure payroll in tax matters;
Fundraising campaign for the construction of a nurse’s shelter in a hospital in Cameroon
Afin de contribuer à l’amélioration de la condition du garde-malade dans les hôpitaux du Cameroun, ABS Consulting Sarl accompagne l’Association Kedy Oyono dans son vaste projet de constructions des refuges dédiés à ces auxiliaires de santé dans les formations sanitaires de toutes les Régions du pays. Cliquez sur le lien ci-dessous pour en savoir plus sur la campagne de levée de fonds, autorisée par les pouvoirs publics, pour la construction du premier refuge pour garde-malades à l’hôpital de district de Biyem-Assi à Yaoundé, et découvrez comment contribuer à ce projet communautaire via nos supports Orange Money, MTN Mobile Money et Faroty.
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Contact us
ABS building, 1st floor
Behind Tradex Bastos, Yaoundé, Cameroon
+237 222 208 405